TRON price is fluctuating below the baseline

TRON recently partnered with GGBTC, which is a globally integrated trading platform. The trading pair available as of now on the platform is GGC/TRX. This might be a good start for TRON community to fetch some good profits and returns pretty soon.
TRON Price Analysis & Future Forecast
TRX price is trading at $0.025300 at 06:18 UTC on 23rd July 2019. In the past 5 days, the lowest value was seen on 18th July at 14:10 UTC trading at $0.022651. The value escalated by 35.05% on 20th July at 22:05 UTC trading at $0.030590. However, the value from then is constantly dropping. And today, at 05:35 UTC, Tron price dropped to the lower point by 17.99% with a trading value of $0.025128 and is fluctuating in the same zone.
TRON, like many other major coins, is trending in the ‘buying’ zone with bearish nature. This means that this is an ideal time for the new investors to ‘buy’ TRX currency and join the network. TRX has been a surprising currency, and it might surprise the traders with some agreeable returns in the near future.
For safer bids, the resistance & support levels are calculated as:
R1: $0.028878, R2: $0.031138 and R3: $0.032407
S1: $0.025349, S2: $0.02408 and S3: $0.02182